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Solenoids valves

This product includes 2 models. Click on the following model buttons to read the features.

Solenoids valves
Mod. EL0511 EL0521
Rated voltage 12 V 24 V
Coil power 14 W
Connectors 1/2 ” gas
Fuel flowrate 100 L / 1h
By pass function YES
Mod. EL0516 EL0526
Rated voltage 12 V 24 V
Coil power 14 W
Connectors 1/2 ” gas
Fuel flowrate 600 L / 1h
By pass function YES
Connector per solenoid valves 1/2" Gas
Mod. RC12GG10 RC12GR08 RC12GR10 RC12GR12
Ø Rubber pipe - mm (inch) 10 mm (13/32") - - -
Ø Copper pipe - 8 mm (5/16") 10 mm (13/32") 12 mm (15/32")
Solenoid valves 1" Gas
Mod. EL1013 EL1023
Rated voltage 12 V 24 V
Coil power 43 W
Connectors 1” gas
Fuel flowrate 3350 L / 1h
By pass function YES